PUZZLE PIECE #1: Uninterrupted Mom-Daughter Time

Welcome to the first installment of our "puzzle piece series" where we will highlight the different ways that Moms as Mentors® makes a difference in the lives of girls and their moms.

When asked about what makes our programs so impactful, I've often said "50% of why our programs are so powerful is because we have amazing, expert-crafted researched based curriculum. And the other half of it is because moms and girls are together, uninterrupted, working on something special together."

We hear so often from moms and girls how rare and important it is to both of them that they get designated mom-daughter time outside of the house with no interruptions.

Here's just a taste of the kind of feedback we get after every program:

   “The best part of the experience was getting to enjoy spending time with my daughter and vice versa in a fun, no stress environment. It's sometimes easy to forget how much fun it can be to just hang out with her. I have several younger children and it was so awesome to spend some one on one time with my daughter doing something that was educational and empowering.”

"I think it helped remind me to take a step back and appreciate spending time with my daughter. It's easy to feel stressed with the busyness and necessities of daily living."

"I knew my daughter and I would enjoy the time together, but I never realized how much it would mean to her. At least twice a month she tells me she wants to do another MOM program. She says that she had so much fun, and she loved how it was just the two of us."

 "But the biggest value for the both of us, was the time together.  It's funny.  In the grand scheme of things we don't think of and hour and a half as a lot of time, but for the two of us, it was time much needed.  ...We don't always have that uninterrupted time to just doing something totally focused.  When you asked what the girls learned about their moms, she whispered to me, "that my mom has time to have fun". We get so tied up in the hustle and chaos of work, life, school and scheduled activities, that we lose sight of just taking time to enjoy each other and be in the moment.  I really appreciated have this disconnected time together."

I know I am not the only mom that walked away today wanting to thank [Moms as Mentors] so much for giving me this special gift: a truly stress free happy lovely day with my daughter!”

To keep giving moms and girls these special moments, please consider contributing to our crowd-funding campaign. Join us in support of moms and girls--we can't do it without you. Donate now.




Leslie Coles